YK-LIBRA is having a good track record to facilitate market linkages for many FPOs in Odisha and other states. It has served more than 15 number of FPOs in Odisha for market linkages with various offline and online players. The Directorate of Horticulture, Department of Agriculture & Farmers Empowerment, Government of Odisha recognized the services of YK-LIBRA and invited for signing an MoU during “Sate Odisha FPO Conclave 2024”, OUAT, Bhubaneswar to provide the market linkage services to FPOs across Odisha. Here initiatives were made to do market linkages of FPOs’ products for better profit margin, technical know-how like post-harvest management, processing and creation of storage infrastructure were some components of memorandum along with sensitizing farmers for quality agriculture and horticulture with sustainable sourcing model.