Entrepreneurship & Skill Building
Efforts are given to help the FIGs, FPOs and SHGs acquire skill and capacities to develop their abilities as Entrepreneurs. Structured training process is established to transform them as Entrepreneurs and with a goal to make their sustainability. With support of NABARD and ORMAS; YK-LIBRA is taking an initiative to develop youth and women as “Entrepreneurs” for their holistic development through various sustainable livelihood income generating activities like stitching of bags, making rugs, mat, laptop bag and carpet made up of jute. Many women were also engaged in making mask during COVID period. Now successfully in three clusters, women are actively making handbags and allied products showcasing these in various exhibition, fair which has undoubtedly created a good market linkage option. Mushroom production, goatery etc are also other activities where the women are involved. With support of NABARD and ORMAS entrepreneurship and skill building works are done, in 3 States namely Odisha Tripura and West Bengal covering 12 Districts, 30 Blocks where 500 entrepreneurs are capacitated.